Giving Report 2024

Giving by the Numbers

The extraordinary education LFA delivers is only possible because of the gifts we receive – both to enrich the day-to-day experience and to deliver capital improvements. There is no other funding from parishes, the Archdiocese, or the Sisters of St. Ann. This year, we saw philanthropic support of nearly $1.4M across annual giving, capital gifts, and endowment support. This is the first time since our technology campaign that we have eclipsed $1M in gifts over a school year. This extraordinary outpouring of support is a testament to the strength of our community and an incredible first step towards making our envisioned campus a reality.

Annual Giving
Gifts to the school are immediately invested in the programs, resources, and opportunities that make an LFA education so exceptional. This year, gifts of nearly $350,000 have made each girl’s experience truly enriching and memorable.

As we ready our school for the next 100 years with a campus befitting the very best Catholic education, capital giving met our visionary outlook, as we saw over $1M in gifts. Nearly $900,000 of those funds are directed towards laying the groundwork for our visionary campus transformation. Approximately $100,000 are committed to the LFA Foundation’s Endowment Fund; an investment in the long-term financial health of the school.

Fundraising Overview

For our students, the Annual Fund is what makes each day at LFA a new opportunity to learn and grow. This year alone, the Annual Fund has supported key investments in our counselling department, expansion of our course offerings and library resources, and new athletic equipment. This year’s theatrical production of Mary Poppins, along with musical accompaniment and venue rental for our choir, were also made possible thanks to the Annual Fund. Perhaps most importantly, every qualified request for financial aid was met through our Annual Fund.

Capital giving at LFA has helped create transformational and lasting change over LFA’s history. From the introduction of the east wing in the 1950's, the investment in science labs in 1992, the 2007 build of LFA’s new wing, to the establishment of our state-of-the-art STEAM Lab in 2018. In every development, LFA has looked forward to the evolving passions and ambitions of our students, and our community has enabled us to respond.

This year, we saw a historic wave of community support towards capital giving in response to what will be the most significant redevelopment of LFA’s campus in its nearly 100-year history.

Donor Designations
This year saw historic participation in Campus Capital Projects. It’s thrilling to see our community as eager and committed as we are to see through visionary campus transformation. Continued interest in our school endowment and operating enrichment also serve as a reassuring trend in both the short-term and long-term health of our school. Donor designations vary year to year and reflect the vision and support of our amazing community.

Donor Relationships
There is no one profile of a donor who gives to Little Flower Academy, though all will have a connection to the work of the school and the impact gifts have on young women in our community.


The LFA Endowment Fund saw tremendous growth and investment this past year. With our guiding principle of accessibility in mind, this year’s LFA Foundation disbursements will contribute towards aid for families in need and various school resources and upgrades.

We would like to acknowledge and celebrate our new Family Endowments this year:

Burns MacPhail Family Endowment Fund
Hip-Zelaya Family Endowment Fund
Sully Mok Lui Family Endowment Fund
With their gifts to endowment, these families have demonstrated their commitment to the long-term vision of LFA. With belief in the value of faith-based education, the importance of community, and the impact of endowment, the enrichment of a Little Flower Academy education in perpetuity is a fitting legacy for all these families.
Class Endowments
It is tradition at LFA that in lieu of a physical class gift, parents and grandparents of graduating students give a class gift to the school in thanks for the education their daughters have received. It started in 2012 when the endowment fund was first established, and a Class of 2012 gift was designated to support financial aid at the school. The 50th Reunion of the Class of 1962 was held at the school, just weeks after the Class of 2012 had announced their gift, and in a beautiful moment of community action, they too pledged a gift. With that, two classes, 50 years apart, launched the Class Endowments to support financial aid.

Families from this year's Class of 2024 have already begun adding to that legacy. The collective endowment of the many class funds now disburses important financial aid to current students at LFA.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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