LFA Community

Parents' Auxiliary

Welcome to the Little Flower Academy Family! We are excited to have you join our community.
As a parent or guardian of a LFA student, you automatically become a member of the Parents’ Auxiliary (PA). Our purpose is to promote community, cooperation and communication among the administration, faculty, staff, parents & guardians and students of LFA.
The PA is actively involved in the life of the school. We directly support the mission and vision of the school through our volunteer commitment. We plan and coordinate social, informational, educational and fundraising events for the whole community as well as assist the faculty and staff with numerous student programs and initiatives.
We can only achieve our goals with your support. We provide many options throughout the year for you to get involved and volunteer. These opportunities help create a strong sense of community and a commitment to enriching our daughters’ lives.
Please check the Parent Participation Portal Regularly for volunteer opportunities. You can access critical information relating to your daughter’s high school experience by logging onto the LFA website.  
We thank you for your time and commitment as we take this journey together at Little Flower Academy.
Warm Regards,
Gina Nasrabadi
President, Parent’s Auxiliary

Parents' Auxiliary Events

List of 3 items.

  • Welcome Back BBQ

    The Welcome Back BBQ is our annual back-to-school kick off party. Hosted in the first week of September, right in the LFA Courtyard, it is our biggest event of the year. The event welcomes back staff, students, parents, alumnae, past parents, and friends of the school for one awesome summer party.
  • Mother Daughter Brunch

    Our annual Mother Daughter Brunch (held in November) is a much loved tradition for LFA students and moms. Always held off-campus at a local venue, features a fantastic brunch, prizes, a photo booth, and of course, a candy bar! It's a one-of-a-kind event to celebrate the moms and daughters that make our school special.
  • Father Daughter Dance

    The annual Father & Daughter Dinner Dance is held at the school (in February) and is one of our community's favourite events! Fathers and daughters enjoy an evening of great food, a photo booth, prizes, a live DJ, and dancing!

Log on for more

For more information on the Parents' Auxiliary, logging parent participation hours online and for PA contact names and details, please log on to the website.

You can also filter events on the school calendar for parent participation opportunities. Use the "Date/Event Filter" option at the top of the calendar, which will give you options on the types of events to filter.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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