Student Life


Rooted in the values of the Sisters of St Ann, Little Flower Academy strives for the complete development of the individual student through experiences that enrich mind, body and spirit. The goal is a balance of academics and values, spiritual formation and physical pursuits, personal fulfillment and fun!

Spiritual development in the Catholic tradition is at the heart of the LFA experience. Throughout, our students will discover and explore their faith and how each individual is called to live her life. Little Flower Academy will prepare every girl for university. It gives athletes the real possibility of playing at a provincial championship and artists the opportunity to sing and perform in front of crowds. It will offer the chance to model the UN and lead through student government. It will give each person the experience of quiet reflection through liturgy and retreat. Through the diversity of an LFA experience, the goal is to instil a spirit and an attitude that will guide the rest of one’s life.

Little Flower Academy offers more than 50 student-led organizations and clubs. There's an activity for just about every interest, as well as the brilliant opportunities to make new friends and develop leadership skills. We will challenge every student to stretch and discover about themselves how she might make a difference in the world, whatever her talents, interests or dreams for the future.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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