Lights, Camera, Action

We strive to offer as many electives as possible, which can be a challenge for a small school. But with a mission to offer a well-rounded edcuations, we need to offer more than the sciences and their Advancemed Placement, accellerated alternatives. Film and TV is one of those non-academic courses which diversifies the student experience. It will also be tranformed next year thanks to a directed gift to the Annual Fund.
Film and TV is a course that challenges the students to consider the medium in a more critical way while offering students an outlet for their own creativity. Ms. Diakow, who taught the course this past year, introduced a new event to the school calendar with an LFA Film Festival this spring that further motivated the girls. 

The course has resonated with students. It's fully subscribed for next year. And, unlike many electives, there's a significant amount of equipment involved as students explore the art of filmmaking. Thanks to a generous donor whose gift was directed towards the Film and TV program, the equipment will get a major upgrade for fall. 

While cameras were essential, they were highly limited. Students will now have access to more than twice as many cameras as past years. Proper sound equipment will greatly aid the quality of the films they can produce. There's to be new accessories for creative filming, including equipment for holding the cameras that isn't as static as the traditional tripod. New battery equipment will make the cameras we're using more flexible for longer filming. 

All in all, the course can now offer a much more rewarding experience for the students. One donor. One leadership gift. A completely transformed class experience. It is extraordinary the impact a donor can have.

With the additional resources, we're very excited about next year's film festival! Keep an eye on the school calendar to take part.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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