LFA Alum Appointed BC Provincial Court Judge

LFA Alumnae Mylene de Guzman '87 was recently appointed as a new Provincial Court Judge by the Government of BC. 
In her time at LFA, Mylene was active in debate, an executive member of the school's yearbook staff, and President of her graduating class. 

Mylene attended the University of Windsor and obtained her law degree in 1995. Articling at Greig, Skagen & Kennedy, she has worked as a family law lawyer in New Westminster and the Fraser Valley for most of her career. She obtained her accreditation as a family law mediator and arbitrator in 2015. She devotes 20% of her practice to alternative dispute resolutions. She is on the roster of Access Pro Bono lawyers, participating in legal clinics and conducting mediations. Mylene is also a member of Amici Curiae Friendship Society, participating as a guest speaker and lecturer for legal clinics. She has worked as a volunteer in the legal community, taking on executive roles, including president of the New West Bar Association in 2022. She is the first vice-president of the Canadian Bar Association.

Her appointment as a Provincial Court Judge will be effective March 28, 2025. The LFA community would like to send our hearty congratulations to Mylene and wish her nothing but the best. 

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